Sunday, July 30, 2006


She was very excited to see me and commented on how big my feets are! Then she fed me turkey and giblets WITH ALL THE GRAVY! And now I am laying down and facing away from her, like my friend Mao said I should do to teach her a lesson. And I think it is working because she keeps coming over and telling me how big and cute I am. And I know she really must like me because she is in a bad mood because the big red box didn't come back with her but she is still being very nice to me. The big red box must be on my side too!!!!!


Skeezix the Cat said...

That's VERY good news, Kizzy! I hope I never have to go thru wut yoo went thru.

I don't understand why she wood want the big red box bak if it's just filled with stinky clothes.

Kismet said...

It has other stuff too, like the cord for the computer and those clacky things she puts on her feets. So I guess I want the big red box to come back too, because otherwise I can't blog or email or surf the webs. But at least I've got my grayvee.

Anonymous said...

Remember, be strong, BMC. As much as yoo want to, don't purr win yer ladey pets yoo, don't sit in the same room with her, and it probly woodn't hurt to pee on the cowch wunce or twice. After 2 weeks of that, she'll never leeve yoo agin.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot: congrats on getting yer gravey bak. The food lady is the only one whoze reely good at scraping owt all the gravey. The food guy izn't too bad, but the old ladey hoo sumtimes feeds us is THE WERST! She duzn't even understand the basiks, like how importent the PRESENTATION of yer meel is. She just dumps it out any wich way, and leeves most of the gravey in the can. I yell at her saying stuff like, "Yoo left a qwart of gravey in the can, and it duzn't belong in the can, it belongs on top of the food on my plate!!" but no matter how lowd I yell, she just ignores me. She's wut yoo call "Def".

The Meezers or Billy said...

yay! glad your purrson is home! maybe whoever has the big red box will wash the stinky clothes before they give it back to her.

Kismet said...

Mao - I have a confession to make. I climbed up on my Person's bed this morning and I curled up with her and took my morning bath and she held my paw. I JUST COULDN'T HELP IT THOUGH because I was so excited about the grayvee and I really MISSED her, and it was hard to punish her at all. But in my defense, she is very sleepy in the mornings and maybe did not even notice that I was there. But no worries. I'm not a purr-er, unless I'm about to hump.

I know what you mean about presentation. My foods needs to be on a full bed of grayvee and very nicely chopped up and mashed. Otherwise I just blow chunks all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Oh, KISMET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope she didn't remember!

The Crew said...

Be firm, Kismet, but not too firm. You want the "gravy train" to keep coming!

Kismet said...

I know! Mao says if I am mean, she won't leave again, but I think if I pee on the couch and don't cuddle with her, she will leave more!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Don't lissen to my big bruther Mao. Peeing on the cowch is never a good thing to do.

Just Ducky said...

No Kismet you gotta shower her with lots of cuddles so she remembers what she misses when she leaves. If you ignore her, she may thing you don't care and leave again.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hey, if the big red box don't come back, she can't leaf you agin!
Make sure you tell her efurryfing you did while she was gone an how worried you were. Talk her ear off, as they say (but don't bite it!). Then maybe she won't go again.

Kismet said...

I haven't peed on it in a very long time. I may have forgotten that I ever did it at all because the smell is almost gone too! ...Wait, what were we talking about?

Kismet said...

I think I hit a pretty good balance yesterday. I head-butted her for awhile but then I attacked her hands and then I glared too. It seemed to work!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Did the stinky clothes in the red box ever come bak?

Kismet said...

Rocky - they did! My Person has been very busy so she just left the big red box open on the floor with all of the stinky clothes falling out of it. And this morning, I blew chunks inside!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Kiz, nice tuch!

Kismet said...

Thanks, Mao! I knew you would approve!