My name is Kismet. I am a very big man cat and I live in Whiskonsin. I live with my Person and I am very happy with her, even though sometimes she does not feed me when I am very hungry (all the time) and then I get mad and I pee on things.
I also live with my orange sister Sophie who annoys me sometimes, and a bunny named Henry, who is a bunman not a man-cat so we do not have much in common.
You can email me at with questions or comments. I love the innernets!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Fluffy things
Lately Sophie and I have been hanging out a LOT in the people catbox room. The spot where I am sitting is the person catbox, but when the persons are not using it they cover it with this nice smooth cover that feels very nice on my booty. I usually sit here when my Person is pouring water on herself in the big white box, but it feels so nice on my booty that lately I have been sitting there even after she is all done with the pouring. Sophie follows me around and wants to do EVERYTHING I DO LIKE EVEN USING MY BLOG, so when I sit on the white thing she sometimes will sit with me. But when my Person gets out of the big white box, Sophie always hops right in. She likes to sit there and give herself a bath, and she also likes to hide behind the kurtin and watch me. I think that she thinks that I can't see her, but I can. But I play along, because watching me from behind the kurtin is one of the less annoying things that Sophie does.
Since today is Friday, I am posting some pictures of Sophie's tail for her. In the post SHE MADE ON MY BLOG, Eric told her about Fluffy Friday, and since I know that Fridays are also Formerly Feral (which Sophie is too) I GUESS I WILL LET HER show her tail on my blog. It is VERY fluffy.
My Person calls it a rakoon tail. I have never met a rakoon, but I bet they have big fluffy tails too. MY tail only gets big when things around me might be vishus.
I like to hang out in the people catbox room too. Because sometimes you can drink out of the faucet in there.
Sophie is such a silly girl! I wish I could play games with her.
And, Sophie has a fabulous tail! I never would have guessed that her tail would be so floofy! It is very beautiful. Kismet, thanks for letting Sophie show us her tail.
Well, you must admit Kis, Sophie does have a very nice looking tail. Sometimes you just have to put up with sisters doing things that annoy you. It's just part of being an older me, I know!
I like to sit on the personbox too, while my OTW is in the tub. Sadly, they took the personbox out of the room with the tub, so now I have to sit on the floor. Little sisters can be annoying. But mine plays with me. Does Sophie play with you? Or just follow you around and copy you?
Wow, I can't stop looking at Sophie's tale! It's vary flooffy!
My big bruther Mao likes to sit on the Food Lady's lap win she goze to the peepul catbox ... but only win she's bin gone all day long hunting and she gits home frum that. He sez it's the qwality time they git to spend together. I'll let him know that it's undignifide, cuz he duzn't like to be undignifide. (Wate. Am I blabbing agin?)
I like to hang out in the people catbox room too---when Mom is doing that shower or bath thing. I also lead her up to that room after I eat because that's where my favorite water fountain is, the bathroom sink. Jake sometimes like to sit on Mom when she's on the person catbox, but I think that's because Mom will scoop him up and he doesn't protest like I do.
Sophie's fluffy tail looks like it might make a good toy for you, when you're in the mood.
woo hoo that's a great tail Sophie.
I like to hang out in the people catbox room too. Because sometimes you can drink out of the faucet in there.
Sophie is such a silly girl! I wish I could play games with her.
And, Sophie has a fabulous tail! I never would have guessed that her tail would be so floofy! It is very beautiful. Kismet, thanks for letting Sophie show us her tail.
I like to drink from the faucet TOO Daisy!
Sophie will go in when my Person is using the person catbox and sit on her lap. This is undignified so I do not do it.
Kismet! Sophie's tail is very cool and jazzy.
I like hanging around the drippy water room too. Lots of interesting things going on there
I used to sit on mommie lap when she was using the people litter box, but now I don't anymore....
Thank you, Kismet, for letting Sophie show us her very floofy tail. Yes, Sophie, racoons have very floofy and stripey tails.
Well, you must admit Kis, Sophie does have a very nice looking tail. Sometimes you just have to put up with sisters doing things that annoy you. It's just part of being an older me, I know!
whoa, that sure is a raccoon-like tail! Cute!
My brotha from anotha mutha, Kitty, like to go into the tub after a bean comes out.
I like to sit on the personbox too, while my OTW is in the tub. Sadly, they took the personbox out of the room with the tub, so now I have to sit on the floor. Little sisters can be annoying. But mine plays with me. Does Sophie play with you? Or just follow you around and copy you?
That is a floofy tail with rings like a raccoon tail. Happy Friday.
Sophie's tail is certainly very byootiful and floofy. Thanks, Kismet, for letting her show it on your Big Man Cat Blog.
Sophie's weawwy has got a nice tail!
Wow, I can't stop looking at Sophie's tale! It's vary flooffy!
My big bruther Mao likes to sit on the Food Lady's lap win she goze to the peepul catbox ... but only win she's bin gone all day long hunting and she gits home frum that. He sez it's the qwality time they git to spend together. I'll let him know that it's undignifide, cuz he duzn't like to be undignifide. (Wate. Am I blabbing agin?)
Jack - Sophie DOES play with me. She wants to play a LOT MORE than I do, though.
Skeez - if Mao is concerned with being dignified, you should DEFINITELY tell him this! It would be like a public service.
Hi, Kismet,
I like to hang out in the people catbox room too---when Mom is doing that shower or bath thing. I also lead her up to that room after I eat because that's where my favorite water fountain is, the bathroom sink. Jake sometimes like to sit on Mom when she's on the person catbox, but I think that's because Mom will scoop him up and he doesn't protest like I do.
Sophie's fluffy tail looks like it might make a good toy for you, when you're in the mood.
Sophie has a cute furry, fluffy tail ~poiland tribe
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