Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seven Strange Things on Sunday

My really great friends Rosie and Cheeto tagged me and Sophie to do the "seven weird things about me" survey. I was GOING to split it, like they did, but instead Sophie and I are each going to list our OWN 7 things, because after all, it is MY blog and so I think I should get 7 all by myself.

1. I like to make blanket forts. There is a VERY specific process to this, though. First, my Person has to be laying under the blankets. Then, there has to be a little cave opening in the blanket NATURALLY - NOT one made by my Person. Then, I walk in, and dig with my big man paws, and make sure the blanket fort is strukchurally sound, and if all of that meets with my approval, ONLY THEN will I lay down. You can't just hang out in any blanket, you know.

2. When I get very hungry and grouchy, I push the water dish with my nose so it spills over the sides and the dish makes a great clanky sound on the floor. My Person does not like this.

3. When my Person comes home at night I sit by the door and mraw mraw mraw REAL loud and scratch with my big man paws so she knows I am still inside and that I am waiting for my foods. I think she forgets this stuff sometimes, so I am just trying to remind her.

4. I knock stuff off of EVERYTHING - tables, desks, bookshelves, dressers, chairs, the persons teevee. Your stuff is not safe ANYWHERE, Person! HAHA! It is for your own safety that I do it. Your stuff could be vishus without you knowing!

5. I have to hump sometimes. I only hump my Person, and only her arm or shoulder, and only when she is under a blanket. After I am done humping, I always take a bath and I don't look at my Person right away because I am a little embarrassed.

6. I usually get locked out of my Person's room in the morning because I get HUNGRY and I want my FOODS and so I make noise. And then later on, when my Person doesn't get up right away, I get worried that maybe she is not in there anymore, and has left without giving me my FOODS, or that something vishus that I didn't notice got her, and then I might NEVER get my FOODS, so I scratch at the door with my man paws and I mraw mraw a LOT. Eventually my Person will say "Kis-MET!" and then, because I know she is in there and alive, I stop.

7. I have a LOT of dreems, and when I am dreeming, my big whisker humps twitch and so do my man paws and my back legs, and sometimes I mraw mraw or lick my lips in my sleep. My Person says "Get him Kizzy!" to me while I sleep, just in case I am dreaming of chasing some other big man cats. This shows that she understands that I am a big dude and I could chase down any other big dude, if I wanted to. I think that is nice of her!

HI! I ARE SOPHIE! I ARE VARY ACITED to tell yoo some WEERD things about ME!!!!

1. I LOVE TO EAT FOODS! ANY kind of foods, I will eat them all!! The nyce laydee says I must have been a dawg in a past lyfe. CAN YOO IMAGINE ME, SOPHIE, AS A DAWG??? Some of the foods I lyke to eat are: peetsuh, ryce kayks, cookees, peenut butter, any kind of CHEEZ, ryce, potaytohs, and krakers. I LOVE FOODS!!!

2. Since I moved in with the nyce laydee and my bruther Kismet, I have learned to be a VARY kleen kitty and to kleen my furs and my TOES and my TAYL many times thru owt the day. (I was vary stinky beefor my bruther tawt me to be kleen!) And when I kleen myself, I suck on my furs and I make snorty sownds. The nyce laydee calls it my snorgling. It can be VARY lowd!!

3. When I yawn, I make a hacking sownd that sometimes ascayres the nyce laydee!!

4. One of my whiskers on top of my head is black. Just one!!!!

5. I have 2 black polka dots on one of my eers!!! The nyce laydee sayz they are my fashun axsessorees!!! This meens I am VARY fashunable, even when I am NOOD!!!!

6. I LOVE MY BRUTHER AND THE NYCE LAYDEE A LOT, but I love my bruther MOST of all. I go EVARYWHERE he goes. If we are in a room with the nyce laydee and my bruther leaves, I go with! If we are in bed with the nyce laydee and my bruther leaves, I GO WITH! If my bruther is watching the cat teevee, or poopsing, or knocking things off the dresser, I GO WITH!

My bruther does not always LYKE that, but I CAN'T HELP IT! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! Plus he is VARY fassinayting.

7. Whenever anyone reeches down to pet me - becuz I are VARY small, yoo know - I stand up on my tippy toes and DIVE into their hand!! I get VARY good pets this way.

I, Kismet, also wanted to say in response to questions on my last post: Sophie NEVER cleans my Spot 13. That is man cat only territory. However, I have cleaned hers before, because it is STINKY AND NEEDS TO BE CLEANED.

I hope you liked our strange things!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Man Cat Monday

Sup innernets. I wanted to post a HAPPY NEW YEAR blog and a KRISMISS blog but my Person LEFT US ALONE FOREVER AND EVER. It was not SO bad because some lady came and gave us the foods and cleaned our poops (cleaned them much better than my Person does, too), but I get VERY GRUMPY when my Person leaves me alone with Sophie for a LONG TIME.

Anyway, since I haven't been able to blog FOREVER, I didn't even get to tell you what my new year's rezolooshins are. I did not make too many because I think I am pretty good at being my man cat self, but I did make two. The first one is to blog more. This is not really under my control because my Person controls Mack, the man cat computer, but I am going to try anyway. And my second rezolooshin is to be an even better man cat than I have been.

Which explains this picture:

Normally I do not like to be this close to Sophie, but while my Person was gone we had a LOT of time together, and while she is still VERY ANNOYING most of the time - like I don't want to play all the time, I have THINGS to do, like clean my toes and do my patrols and knock things off the dresser - it is nice of her to give me a bath. And I think a good man cat - one who might be tired from doing all his man cat stuff, for example - would just take the bath and try to enjoy it. So I did!

I hope all of my blogging friends had good new yearses and Krissmisses. I am also going to try to comment on other blogs more TOO. The year of Kismet!