So, since I am going to be gone for a long time and you might forget who I am, I am going to leave you with a list of things about mes, and one of my favorite pictures of me, and whenever you are thinking "Who is that big guy again?", you can just come check it out!

Now, here are some important things about me, in case you forget:
1) I like to sit my booty on things on the floor, like magazeens and plastic bags.
2) I blow chunks a lot. And then sometimes I eat it again. I did this last week. I think it was the biggest batch of chunks ever, and I ate it twice!
3) I have very big feets, and I am careful to clean in between all 20 of my toes at least three times a day.
Also, my Person wrote a great Tale of Devoshun for me in Skeezix's latest contest. It's very Kismet-y. You should go read it!
I hope you all have really good Thanksgivings. My Person won't be here, but I'll hang out with Mona, and my very good person friend Melissa is going to come give me my foods, including Friskies turkey and giblets on Thanksgiving Day. I also hope you are watching the big Michigan feetsball game today. My Person can't stop talking about it. Try not to forget who I am, and I will be back soon!
This is Kismet, mrawing off.
Hey, Kismet, your bean's comin to Whiskonsin fur the holiday, an our beans is goin to Catifornia. Maybe yur bean shuld take care of us while she's here. Like an ex-change program! Let's see... My beans will be near Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's home, so they culd see them an Karen C could go to... ok, now I'm losted.
Wul, haf a nice, quiet, VET-free hollyday an we'll see you later. Yes, the cord is vishus, but ONLY IF YOU EAT IT.
Mum and I will watch for your Person as she travels. We will give her a furiendly wave. Safe travels and we will look forward to your return.
It's a vary gud thing yoo put those remindurs so we dont furget hoo yoo are.
Enjoy yer thanksgiving!! Eat LOTs of turkey and giblets and play with mona lots!
Yeah, owr lady is watching the "BIG GAME" here fur the furst haff and then meeting Mr. Bar (sports bar is his name) fur the second haff.
WE MISS YOO already Kismet!!!
Oh, Kismet, I will miss you! I read your Person's TAle of Devotion and I voted for you wif my extry vote. It was such a good rap!
Oh how could we possibly forget about you? Have a nice Thanksgiving Big Boy.
we purromise not ta furget you an we're gonna go read yur story rite now. an then we're gonna ask Victor where he wants ta ship our Lady off to.
Oh, Kismet, we'll be thinking about you in N.Y. and your lady in that cheese state. She wrote a great rap about you, and it's clear that she loves you very much.
We're sorry that your team didn't win today. We were thinking of you.
And kisses from me! ~Bathsheba
....ahem....Kismet....I have a crush on have such SEXY whisker pouches............
we will miss you Kismet, but we won't furget you! Mommy checks on your bloggie efurry day efenn if it doesn't say "updated" in our sidebar - she finks you are a furry cute big man cat and loves to look at your pikshurs. Haf a happy fanksgiving.
We could never forget about you! But thanks for leaving that nice picture so we can look at you!
We will miss you Kismet!!
Come by and visit us when you get back - Happy turkey eating day!
We won't furrget bowt yoo Kismet. We'll keep checking on yer blog to see when yoo get back.
Oh Kis, we could never forget about you. And tell your person, we loved her rap about you.
Wow ... You have 20 toes? The Feline Americans and I only have eighteen each. You are so lucky.
DaisyMae Maus
Kismet, how cood ANYWUN forgit hoo yoo are! Or that yoo blow chunks and eet it, sumtimes twice. We are just bananananas abowt yoo, Kizzy! See yoo win yer ladey gits bak!
And I forgot to menshun that evrywun LUVD the Kizzy rap and can't wate for the videeyo!
Oh Kismet. Who could ever forget such a handsom ham like you? *smooches*
Congratulations on being a runner up in Skeezix's Tale of Devotion Contest! Your lady's rap was fun and we enjoyed it a lot.
(We have a picture in our profile now! Mom actually got us in the same photo without benefit of Photoshop.)
Hi Kismet, we is just stopping by to say "HI" and "we miss you lots", and really, Mommy finks you are just the cutest kitty, so she wanted to look at your pikshurs again
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