My Person did some spring cleaning yesterday so I decided to help her. I really like cleaning! For example, whenever Mona takes a poop, she sprays litter all over the floor, and I
always go over and sweep it into a pile with my paws. Mona has really stinky poops too, so the fact that I go over there to sweep it up really shows my dedication to being clean (remember, my sense of smell is a lot stronger than a person's!). And whenever I finish eating my foods, I always sweep up my foods area with my paws too, even though most of the time I am eating the wet foods and so there isn't really even anything to sweep! As you can probably guess, sweeping is my favorite type of cleaning so that is what I helped my Person with. She uses this stick thing and a big litter scoop to sweep -- she uses the brush thing to push the dust and stuff into the litter scoop. This is probably because she doesn't have paws. So after she empties out the litter scoop, I like to sit in it and make sure that she didn't forget any dirt, and then I sweep around the litter scoop in case there is some extra dirt that we can't see. My Person really appreciates it when I help her clean, you can tell. And now our apartment is very neat and tidy. Just the way I like it!