I feel fine about the moving, innernets. Some cats get nervous and are resistant to change, but I am a large and advenchuriss man and I like going to new places, like out in the hallway or Out There or on top of the fridge (there's foods in there you know). It is good that my Person has me to help with the move because I have many talents that come in handy.
I can help navigate:
I can put together furniture:
I can clean:
Sophie cannot do much of anything except for freak out when we are in the car and hide under furniture in the new 'partment. Sophie gets drugs when we go on trips, and we ride in the same carrier because she needs me around to feel safe. But SOMETIMES when we are in the movable masheen I have to leave the carrier to go in the front seat and see my Person and make sure that she knows where she is going and also to check around to see if there are any foods or other cats or vishus things hiding up there, because you just never know.
North Karolyna will be the fifth place I have lived. I have also lived with my Person in Brooklyn (above the eff trayn), Merruhlind, Virjinya, and now Whiskonsin. We also drove all the way to Californyuh and back, but my Person did not like that trip because I escaped in Noo Mexico and was gone for many hours in the middle of the night, and then when we drove back to Whiskonsin my broked heart did not like the meowntains in Colorado and I had foam come out of my nose and we had to stop at an emergency VETS in Nebraska and I am sad to say that I was too tired to even fight the VETS then, so it is a good thing that we will never live in Nebraska because that VETS probably thinks she can mess with me. Because of all of this my Person is nervous about the trip to North Karolyna. I don't really know what to say about that, innernets, because I am a big dude and sometimes on trips I just gotta do what I gotta do, but this trip is a lot shorter than the one to Californyuh and back so I don't know if there will be enough time to have any big advenchurs. Anyways my point is, I have been a lot of places and so I am a man cat of the world and the lady cats in North Karolyna better hold on to their ladyparts because I am coming soon!!
You sure have a lot of jobs! I'm not sure how your human or sister would manage without you!
You were born a ramblin' mancat! Congratulations to your mom, that is exciting news! When are you going to be moving?
Wow Kismet, you sure do get around. But you are moving closer to us here in Georgia. We will be on the lookout for adventure stories on the news about big man cats. Hope you have a good, safe trip.
We're happy for your human and hope she will enjoy her new job. We're not quite sure whether to be happy about the trip, though. You are never to escape again and scare your person like that!
We're very happy to hear the good news about your human mom and her new friend Mr. Jahb. We hope it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
You do all you can to help her, and we hope she appreciates it!
Wow! Congratulations to your Person for making friends with new Mr. Jahb! We hope she will be very happy with him. Safe travels to all of you and we will be looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Hope Sophie is doing well.
We'z glad yoor mom gots to be frends wif Mr Jahb, we hope he turns out to be like a really good boyfrend. We'z also glad dat yoo can be der fur Sophie and yoor mom. Big mancats haf hard jobs keeping alla dem ladies calm. We think maybe we know some other cats in North Karolyna, or is it South Karolyna...well, we'z sure yoo'll find some lady cats der.
Congratulations to your Mom for making friends with Mr. Jahb! Be sure to take good care of your Mom and Sophie on the trip and with the moving in.
Congratulations to your Person on her new job! Have a great trip and welcome back to the East Coast! I have been to NC a couple of times because my mommie's sister lives there.
P.S. Mommie says that you're not allowed to run away, Kismet. Out There is scary and bad things can happen.
concatulations to your person!! we's so happy!!!!! we hear north karolyna has the hots sometimes so take care!!!
Kismet, you are gonna be a busy man cat these next few weeks. You've really moved around a lot, haven't you?
Kismet!!!! We are so assited!!! Ware in Norf Carolina will you and Sophie be living? WE live in Bahama, which is rite by Durham, wich is by Rolly and Chapel Hill. We hope you will be neer us!! And even if yore not, let us kno wen you will be traveling if you are going to come neer us so we can help if you need mom to do somefing.
Finnegan Buddy & Princess Jazzy (who wants to meet Sophie 'cos she is orinj too)
Congratulations to your mom on making friends wif Mr. Jahb! And good luck wif your move! Don't escape again, though.
Momma read all of your blog to us and we laffed and laffed (not about the sicky part.) My sisfur, Precious, just had an operation cuz she couldn't poop and puked alla time. She ated carpet fibers from the cat tree and they stuck in her! She is A-OK now and I am glad cuz I like to pounce on her.
Miracle 4Paws
Hey Kis, (you gotta lern to say Hey reely smooth and drawly like) Wilminton is not reel close to us, abowt 2 hours in the car masheen away. But maybe you will pass thru owr area on yore trip and you can stop heer for a rest. Tell yore Person to emale mom at finnegan_cat.at.hotmail.com so they can do people talk.
Thanks for the share. You sure did have a lot of jobs for the move. Glad you were able to adjust to it really fast. We love seeing you in the dustpan telling the humans they missed a spot. The photos are all adorable. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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