To begin with, the ultrasounds place is very far away from where we live in Virjinya. So we had to ride in the car for a LONG time. One of the persons my Person knows took us in her car and my Person let me sit on her lap the whole time instead of in my prison box. Before we left I inspected the car very thoroughly to make sure there were no foods or other cats or anything vishus hiding in it because you just never know. Unforchunitly, I did not find any foods, but I did walk around on the dashboard for awhile. And while we were driving, I made sure to stand up on my Person's lap and put my very big paws on the windowsill and look outside. I saw some cows (beef!) and I made eyes at lots of other persons in cars but let me tell you, innernets, persons driving in cars are not very ATTENTIVE because none of them seemed to notice me. I can only assume that the car we were in had one-way glass because I don't think there is much of a chance that you could drive by me looking out a window and not notice me, on account of my whisker humps are so big.
When we finally got to the ultrasounds place, my Person put my back in the prison box and we went inside. While my Person was filling out paperwork, some other persons came out with a big brown dog and sat next to my prison box and I growled and hissed at him. And my Person said, "Sorry. He just has a lot of rage." and then the lady person behind the counter made those other persons move the dog away from my prison box, probably because she knew that I could bust out of there and take that dog down if I wanted to. HAHA!
Then they called us back, and my Person carried my prison box into an examinayshun room. She let me out and I prowled around growling while she talked to various VETS persons. And then the actual VETS came in and he grabbed me by my neck and INJECTED ME WITH POISON. I know it was poison because right after he gave it to me I vommed on the floor. And then he waited awhile and I didn't get sleepy, on account of I AM BIG and also because it takes a lot to take down a man cat, so then he INJECTED ME WITH MORE POISON and then I passed out.
Look, I am not PROUD of the passing out, and I woke up with a bunch of my chest hairs gone and some nasty GOO all over me, but at least I know that while I was passed out my eyes didn't close and that really freaked out my Person. That will SHOW HER! YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE KIS-MAN, LADY!
They held me down on a table while they waited for me to wake up and the VETS explained everything about my heart to my Person. I have leaky valves and my heart wall is thick and one of my atriums is enlarged. This is all just fancy talk for my heart doesn't work as good as it should and it makes stuff back up into my lungs, which is why I have been having trouble breathing. They are going to start me on medicines soon, but my regular VETS wants to talk to a heart doctor first because they tried to put my on heart medicines last week and I had a bad reaction to one. I AM A MEDICAL MYSTERY, INNERNETS!
While we wait to hear about the medicines, my Person and I are just hanging out. Today we watched some DVDs and I made biskits on her for awhile, and she fed me some Temptations and some Friskies. Now that I am sober, I am acting as normal as I can because I know it makes my Person feel good.

Thanks again for all of your help and purrs, innernets! I will let you know how my heart is doing when I get started on my medicines. I am not happy to have a broked heart, but I am a pretty big dude and I think I will manage with it just fine.