In the spirit of Whisker Hump Wednesday (so appropriate!!), I wanted to tell you my side of Kismet's story. I love all of my pets, but Kismet was the first cat who was ever my very own, and I told him often that he was my cat soulmate and the cat love of my life. I really think we were meant to be together.

I first saw the big man cat in a cage at an adoption event at PetCo in Union Square, New York City. I had just moved to New York and left two cats behind - before I moved to the city, I was living at home in Wisconsin with my dad and two wonderful cats - and was missing them terribly, so I dragged my boyfriend to the pet store so we could at least look at other cats. And there was Kismet, all square-faced and huge man parts, in a cage, paws crossed, looking completely unimpressed. I remember the look he gave me through the bars of that cage, like, "Seriously? This is where they put me?"

I just loved him instantly. I asked the adoption rep if I could hold him, but he told me that they try not to let people hold the cats unless they are seriously thinking of adopting. My boyfriend and I were subletting a tiny apartment for the summer, a deal that included sitting for the resident cat, so adopting wasn't an option for me at the time. But I decided to start volunteering with the cat rescue organization (KittyKind), so that I could at least put in some face-time with cats while I waited to get a place of my own.

When I started volunteering, I looked for Kismet every day, but he was gone. I asked a few people what had happened to him but no one seemed to know, so I just assumed he'd been adopted. Then, a few months later, I got an email from a KittyKind rep, asking if anyone remembered a cat named Kismet. He'd been in foster care (the adoption fair situation did not WORK for Kismet; he ended up getting a urinary tract blockage from the stress), but was ready to be adopted. The rep wanted to know if we knew anyone who might want him, as they didn't want to send him back to the adoption fair situation that had stressed him out in the first place.

I IMMEDIATELY replied and said, I want him! (I remember typing and sending that email super-fast because I was sure there was a long line of people waiting for Kismet, and I wanted to be first.) A few days later I headed to his foster home to do a meet and greet. He was pretty uninterested in me, if I remember correctly, but he was just so HUGE and I knew I wanted him. I took him home shortly thereafter, and thus began our life together.

It's hard to explain Kismet to people who have never met him. He was the most vocal cat I've ever met. He ALWAYS had something to tell me, something to complain about, something to say, an opinion about EVERYTHING. Coming home at night was always fun because as soon as I put my key in the lock I could hear him run to the door, already mraw-mrawing about everything that had happened to him that day. He was hungry all. the. time. In the early years, he would wake me up by mrawing and then knocking my belongings off various tables, then running to the kitchen when I finally got out of bed. More recently, his favorite thing to do was sit by my face and wake me up by tapping my mouth with his paw. I'd open my eyes and see him sitting there, looking at me intently, like he truly couldn't figure out what was taking so long because GOOD LORD, WOMAN, IT'S BEEN EIGHT HOURS SINCE I ATE AND THAT FRISKIES CAN IS NOT GOING TO OPEN ITSELF.

He liked new people, but he liked to be introduced to them in a very specific way - he wanted to sniff your hand first, then rub on your legs, and THEN, and ONLY THEN, could you pet him. And, naturally, he would be talking to you the whole time. I think this is why a lot of people in my life thought he wasn't friendly, which wasn't true - he just wanted you to do things his way, and he wanted to talk to you about his feelings ALL THE TIME, and most people didn't get that. I didn't care. Because I got it.

He humped blankets from the minute I brought him home, and he liked to climb under the covers, but only if you didn't seem like you really WANTED him to.

He let me touch and play with his paws as much as I wanted to (which was a lot).

He would sit on the side of the tub when I showered and would guard the door whenever I washed my face and brushed my teeth. He stole food - would steal it right off your plate, no manners at all - and he loved to escape, to explore, to see what was outside and around the corner. He was fearless and he was interested in everything.

He let me spoon with him. He had the best and most delicious cat smell in the world.

I don't know the beginning of Kismet's story, and his adoption rep (who I've kept in touch with) doesn't remember exactly either. He thinks someone just left him at the pet store, but that never seemed right to me, so I just decided that he used to roam the streets of New York with a gang of chihuahuas before I met him. I don't know why he picked me, I just know that because he did, I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

I wish he'd had a big strong heart to match all of his personality. Our original deal was that he had to outlive me, but after he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, our new deal was that he just had to let me know when it was time. We made a handful of emergency vet trips where I left him in oxygen overnight and I told him, every time, that it was okay if he wanted to go, that he just had to let me know. I want to think that this - the way he left me, inches from my pillow on a Saturday morning - was just him letting me know. I worry, a lot, that he spent all night struggling to breathe and I just didn't know it. I hope he knows that if I had known, I would have had him in an oxygen tent in minutes. I hope I didn't fail him when he needed me. Most of all, I hope he knows how loved he was, but I don't worry about that one too much. There was no way for him not to know. I told him all the time.

Thank you all again so, so much for following Kismet's life with me. I don't know what will happen to the blog (I'll leave it up, always, but I don't know if I will update), but I do receive the comment notification emails, so please feel free to check in any time. If you would like to do something to honor his memory, please think about donating in his name to KittyKind. I am forever grateful to them for rescuing my big man cat, and for getting him the expensive urinary tract surgery he needed, and for providing me with the amazing Stephen, our adoption rep, who gave me advice and comfort during every single one of Kismet's medical scares, and now his passing.
Most of all, please remember Kismet. He was the most special cat I've ever known and the hole he left behind is enormous.

This is a wonderful memorial. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
What a beautiful love story. Kismet was truly one of a kind. I will never forget your big mancat. Thanks for sharing him with us.
We agree with Daisy ... a true "love story" ... and amazing, heart touching photographs. We did not really know Kismet before, but now we know how super special he was. A "big" man cat, for sure... "big" in all ways.
Beautiful tribute. *tears* - Bogdan's investor
That is a wonderful love story.
We are so grateful that you shared Kismet with us.
He was one of a kind and larger than life in more ways than one.
And he will never be forgotten, his legend will live on.
We certainly miss him, he left a huge hole in a lot of hearts.
~Mom ML & KC
OMC...I am at work (as you know, at a cat hospital) and I am blinking big time. This is the most tender, heartfelt and full of love post I might have ever read. And the photos? They are perfect for each and every thought. I am so glad that we were able to talk and I know we comforted each other, and Kismet would have been happy to know that. Remember what I said...sadness, let it be like waves, hurting...yes, many years to come but soften with time...Love and hugs across the innernets from Teri and the cats of Curlz and Swirlz.
What a beautiful memorial you wrote for Kismet. Tabbies are so very special.
Almost ten years after our Tabby, Mr. Nicholas, went to The Bridge, we still miss him terribly. He was surely there to meet your very special Kismet.
Thank you for allowing us to love him!
~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie
Lovely tribute to a never-to-be-forgotten friend.
Our mom has leaky eyes.
Thanks for sharing Kisment's story. We've always wondered how he came to be with you.
We'll see you at the Bridge, Kismet.
*mraw mraw*
The Cyclone Cats
We didnt know Kismet, we only just heard about him recently, but this really told us who he was and almost had my mom in tears. Stay strong and we have done a whisker hump post today.
I am so sorry for your loss, but your story is beautiful. Kismet sounds like my Vash (who always has something to say). And I know your love for your man cat was as big as his love for you.
Rest in Peace Kisment!
I'm so sorry for your loss. This was a beautiful tribute, thanking for sharing it. My thoughts are with you.
Absolutely beautiful memorial to an absolutely wonderful cat. I wish you peace in this difficult time.
"...he will be our friend for always and always and always."
~Rudyard Kipling
I came across Kismet's story at Daisy's. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. My big man cat, Mr Tucker, went to the Bridge in march. He also suffered from heart disease.
We were together for 9 wonderful years. He was 13 when he just couldn't breathe anymore. My first deal with him was to get through the holidays last year, and we did. Then every day was one more day. Finally, he was ready. He let me know it was time.
My Mr Tucker was a great guy, as I'm sure your Kismet was. Take your time with your grief.
Kismet's was one of the first blogs we ever read. Thank you for sharing his story with us. The Mom says to please don't think he was struggling or uncomfortable on his last night. He would've gotten you up. He chose to run off while you were sleeping so that you could be at peace with his leaving. He knows you would have helped - he just didn't want to put you through that again. He was truly a mancat. Hugs and purrs and gentle slobberty dawg kisses from all of us. And rest in peace, Mr. Kismet. You will be missed.
Titus, Tazo, Earl Grey, and The Mom
What a great tribute to Kismet. It's amazing how these little bundles of fur are able to take over our lives and hearts so completely.
It's a normal part of the grieving process, but please don't guilt yourself too long wondering if you could have done more to help Kismet. He loved you and KNEW you loved him.
The Crew & Crew's Mom
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Sophie in this difficult time. Kismet was a beautiful soul and muched loved.
We will miss him too.
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
Wow! What a wonderful tribute to a great cat!! Thank you for sharing Kismet's story with us. He really was one of a kind!
We hope all the good memories you have of him help you through this sad time.
Purrs and hugs...
Wally, Ernie, Zoey and mom Sue
I'm so glad I knew him as long as I did. I love you.
Kismet sounds like a wonderful cat who ended up in the perfect home for him. We're so glad you persevered and finally ended up with him. We are thinking of you and know you will never forget your big mancat Kismet.
So touching and thank you for sharing it. Kismet is so wonderful. He will be missed. Take care and we will be thinking of you.
Kismet sounds a lot like Sir Thomas of Snuggle who went MIA about six weeks ago (he was 14). Well, also like Christopher T Cat (founder of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde) who had kidney trouble before he crossed the bridge 8 years ago (he was 16). And Quigley the Demon Dust Bunny Hunter and Nicodemus the Evile Anti-Koala aka Thief Cat...
Right now I have two cats who are MY cats, StarWalker BitCat the ComputerKitty and Lady Audrey Nova StarWatcher. They are all (or have been) Talkers. I'm Me-om. Some talk/ed more than others... or maybe it's just a function of age as they seem to get more talkative as they get older.
And insistent!! I've got health problems and my cats walk across my keyboard, sit on my arm/s, force me to bed... the list goes on. They leave a gap in your heart that is different for each cat. (the thing I find odd is how they seem to 'hang around' until you start feeling better... although that may just be me) And sooner or later, the next rescue comes along... going, hey, hey, hey! what are you waiting for me-om? an engraved invitation?? Enough already! Take me hooome!
May the wonderful memories of love outweigh the grief of loss.
Oh that is a beautiful story! Kismet really was a wonderful mancat and you were lucky to have each other! We are sending our bestest purrs to help you feel better!
Clearly you and Kismet were meant to be together. That is a wonderful story! The Woman too is always delighted with Big Mancats like Kismet but seems to always find runts (although they have big toes).
our eyes is leaking - don't for one minute think that you ever failed him!!!! What a wonderful whisker hump wednesday tribute - we haf one up for our bestest furriend too. WE would like to hear from Sophie oncet in a while too! We love you!!!!
Sounds like he was wonderful! I'm so sorry for your loss of him. He was beautiful, well, handsome and manly!
Thank you for the lovely Memorial for Kismet!! He was a wonderful Kitty an we will miss him always!! Purrrs and hugs to you!
Your TX furiends,
Did he know your love you wondered?
Oh my how he knew.
What an I credible "heart and soul" tribute to an unmistakeable indescribable big hearted man cat. We were glad we were along for the ride.
We have been blogging for 6 years and as we lose our 'legends' we also lose a piece of our hearts too.
Kismet will always be remembered as one of those ...
Softest purrs
This is a beautiful tribute to the original Big Mancat. Kismet will be very much missed.
haffin' shared a bit of your life togefur through kizzie's blog has been an incredible blessin'. he was THE most mancatly of mencats an' freely offered many, many tips an' tricks on how to be like him--best of all, he led by example. we can't pay him any finer homage than to say, "he was a Good Cat." thank you so furry much; we sends you many gentle headbonks, an' our mommer sends a heartfelt (though rather damp) hug. may bastet bless you wif joyous memories!
(see you at the bridge, dood. mraw-mraw!!)
This is indeed a love story and yes, I will rememer your precious soul cat mate. I promise as his story touched me very much. Please accept my condolences..I know the exquisite pain of losing a fur baby.
First time visiting this blog, I found it through another blog I follow who posted about your loss.
I have to say in the short time I spent reading this post I feel I have come to know your boy very well. That is rare. Your connection was strong and so was his personality. You were so blessed to have found one another.
I am sorry to have found you at the end of your journey with Kismet. May his memory remain strong and close to your heart until you meet again.
My deepest condolences for your loss.
Your beautiful and heartfelt memorial to Kismet has brought tears to my eyes, I can feel the love you have for each other in my heart. I am sending my strongest prayers to you to help you through this difficult time, and the meezers are sending their strongest purrs ...
Momma Jan, Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We will always remember Kismet. What a lovely tribute you wrote for him.
What a beautiful memorial to a very special cat. Our Dorfie has a wonderful cat smell that Maw will miss when he passes on. The other cats don't have that smell. We might know what you mean by "that smell". Purrs and hugs to you.
Luf, Us and Maw
That was an amazing, beautifully written, heart-tugging memorial post. It makes me wish I had known him.
Wonderful, wonderful story and photos.
-"Mom" Kim from Fuzzy Tales
What a magnificent tribute to your best boy. Mine has been missing a week and I am sad that I was unable to spend his last moment with him because he just left and never came back.
I hope it's okay that I sent a donation to the Ricky Fund for Feline Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy in Kismet's memory.
My heart goes out to you.
What a lovely memorial you have writing for Kismet. A true lovestory !!!
What a wonderful memorial. I still miss my little girl that I lost to cardiomyopathy so many years ago.
What a beautiful tribute to an amazing friend. We are so very sorry for your loss. Kismet was a very special being!
Kismet was most certainly your heart cat ... we feel this in every word of your tribute to him. Such a special boy! That picture of you holding his paw is so moving and speaks volumes about your bond: that is trust. My Nigel used to do the same thing. Sometimes, he would curl his paw around my index finger and hold on tight. How I miss that.
Thank you for sharing Kismet with us. We will never forget him, the original Big Mancat.
'Kaika and his mom
I hope one day soon you do a Google search for "Whisker Hump Wednesday" so that you can see how many people blogged about Kismet today.
Wonderful story, we should all feel that loved.
What a moving story. Thank you so much for sharing every loving step of the way. Kismet, we'll miss you.
Your life helps define what being a mancat is truly all about.
I don't even know you, and I know you. I regret that I didn't find your blog until just now and can only meet you with my tears. But we meet none-the-less.
What a wonderful mancat you had and of course, he had you too. Your love story is definately one for the books!
All our love and puurayers for you through your grief.
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Such a touching post. Hugs and any purrs.
As others have said, this is truly a love story. I am so very sorry for your loss. Kismet left you too soon, but I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that he knew that every moment of his life with you was full of love.
That was such a beautiful and loving tribute. Purrs and hugs form all of us.
we is all leaky eyed here from reading your love story with Kismet. The hole in your heart will be filled in with memories.
Purrs and hugs.
Thank you for sharing Kismet with us. We loved getting to know him. We know nothing we can say will heal your heart.
It is very apparent to us that he was a very lucky boy to have found you. Don't feel guilty about anything, you MADE his life, gave him love and understanding. No mancat could have been more loved.
I'm glad Kismet found you. He was lucky to have someone to love him as much as you do.
Well krap, I sprung a leak...
Thank you for sharing all that with us. Even if it did make us leak. I dunno if it'll help, but the Cat Who Came Before Me, Dusty, had the same heart thing and the Woman was with her when she decided it was time to go to the Bridge. They were at the vet and they all knew it was time, but before the stabby guy could do anything, Dusty spit at him once, and then just went. The only struggle was keeping her from eating the dood's face off. So even though breathing was hard for her sometimes, when it came down to it...she just left.
I hope you can think of Kismet like that. He was with the person he loved, knew it was time, and just left. And peed while he was at it, cause that's just a funny thing to leave a person with ;)
I know I never commented much, but Kismet was like THE MAN. And I'm gonna miss him.
This is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read and such a moving tribute. It is indeed a true love story. How special that the two of you had found each other and got to spend some precious time together. I know how your heart must be breaking right now to have lost your special Mancat and I can only say that your story will be remembered as will sweet Kismet. My thoughts are with you.
Be Well Sweet Kismet
So sorry you lost your Kismet. What a beautiful boy and name. I know how hard it is to lose a pet as many pet lovers do too. Please find peace in your days and nights and all the beautiful memories you have. You are a wonderful writer and if you get another kitty please start another blog.
Take Care, Carol
I am so sorry that you didn't get more time with your wonderful kitty, but grateful that you let us know about the time you did share. He will be waiting for you.
this is our first time here and reading your post made our mama teary-eyed. the way you described your relationship with kismet is how mama feels about her rlationships with us. thanks for sharing and i hope you find comfort that you and kismet had a wonderful loving relationship.
purrs and meows,
Emma and Buster
We just found out about Kismet's passing. I am sure he is in a wonderful place peeing on everything just like Caesar did (he also left a nice puddle of pee as he left us in his sleep)
We are praying for your strength. we know very well the pain. Keep thinking on the memories, all of the great adventures. Those never fade.
Caesar and Prin have been gone for over a year, and more. We are just so thankful for the best memories.
He left you, knowing you were going to be okay now. Kismet got you through all of the good times, all of the struggles and trials.
He is having a good rest now, and providing a place for you later.
bonks and love always
Rosemary and Miles and Pierro
formerly Caesar and Princess's Happy Place
The photos you added to this story of Kismet are just stunningly perfect. I hope you make a book out of it or something like that because it's just so wonderful. THank you for sharing because so much of it is so close to my own story of one of my cats from long ago. You put into words and photos what I wish I could have done. It's truly an inspiration. Thank you.
I know exactly how you feel. I lost my Patches 9 months ago and I have that huge hole in my heart. I can relate to that wonderful kitty smell, Patches had that, not all cats do; my new little Mistrie has it, alsong with Patches attitude, not to mention they are/were both calico/torties with white. Lovely tribute to a lovely man cat. They have left pawprints on our hearts.
This is a beautiful memorial to Kismet. We are very sorry to hear he went to the Bridge and very sorry that we are so belated in our condolences.
He was a special Big Mancat for sure. ((hugs)) to you. Take your time healing you've had a big loss.
I am really going to miss you and Kismet. I loved reading about that big man cat but didn't comment because I didn't have a blog. Sophie must miss him a lot too! Please consider another rescue when the time comes. There are so many deserving animals! I would love to follow Sophie's adventures too. May you find comfort soon, especially in the knowledge that he was loved tremendously and he knew it. Not all animals share in that gift.
What a beautiful story, and what a beautiful cat -- so sorry about losing your companion. As my mother says, "animals are gifts from god that for a short time we are honored to have." You were honored, very honored.
I am so sorry for your loss. This is such a touching post though, and I loved your account of how you came together with this special soul who brought you so much love and happiness. I have always wished that my cats could outlive me, because it's so terribly painful to lose them and esp. when you have a bond as strong as yours was with Kismet. Sending you purrs that you can get through this difficult time.
... tears... yes, we are weeping a little here... beautiful post about dear Kismet and you. Love Darcy and Bingley xx
What a lovely tribute to Kismet. One can clearly see by the photos the love Kismet gave and the love that was given right back. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us. Keep Kismet close to you each day in your heart and thoughts. When you do so he is never far away.
just thought we'd pop in and give your person some {{HUGS}}. hope that the new jahb is going well. we miss you dude
We wanted to drop in and say to Kismet Happy Purrday in Heaven. Missing you.
What a wonderful tribute to Kismet. I feel a lot of the same emotions with my boy Smokey...he's my first and is super special. We have this unique relationship, that is unlike any of my other boys.
~Four Crazy Cats
Hope you're celebrating your birthday at the Bridge, Big Guy! We miss you. Purrs to your Person and Sophie.
Hey, Big Mancat. Hope you had a grand combined Gotcha/Purrthday at The Bridge.
Gentle headbutttss to the Person, too. We still think about Kismit now and them.
Missing owr furrend Kismet today.
Finny, Buddy & Princess Jazzy
Beyootiful tribute. We will nefur forget. xoxo
Just checking in. Hope Kismet's person and bunman are doing OK.
Hello Kismet's person. It's Squeaky's person here. Squeaky is a big man cat from New Zealand, I think he may be a very distant relative of Kismet's as they look similar. I used to read Kismet's blog religiously until he retired at the start of '10, and just randomly logged on now and was very saddened to see of Kismet's passing to the rainbow bridge. Kismet was a very special fellow, and knew he was so loved. Thank you so much for sharing his life with us. Squeaky's person, Liz.
Happy Thanksgiving, Kismet. I know you are looking over your person until you can be together again.
We just wanted you to know, we are thinking of both of you.
Hello Kismet's Purrson and fambly who loved him, we were reading our old blog posts and saw comments from Kismet. It made us miss him, so we came by to say hi. We also wanted to see how Sophie is doing wifowt her brofur. And did you move to Norf Carolina? Please drop us an email and say hi.
Hugs & purrs,
Finny, Buddy, Princess Jazzy & Mom Nora
Thinking of you and your loss this past year. Hope 2012 is brighter.
We'z been thinking about Kismet fur some reason...and Sophie and you too! Hope life is being better to you this year.
I just discovered this blog and loved reading from the first of Kismet's posts through the end. I hope that you and Sophie are well and although it's been months now, I am so sorry that Kismet left for the ultimate Out There. Our pets who own us are so special.
Thinking of our friends. Sending purrs and hugs.
Love Finny, Buddy & Jazzy
What a beautiful story and special relationship you two shared. I'm sure Kismet knows that you would've done anything to save him, and most of all, I hope you know it's not your fault. He is waiting for you on the rainbow bridge with all the other kitties.
I found your page by running a google search. You see, I have a cat named Kismet, too, and he's the best cat I've ever had. He's my bff. It must be something in the name... mine is very VERY vocal and follows me around wherever I go and is a big cuddler. He's a big mrawer, and he also has a neck fetish. He likes to lick me. My Kis was just diagnosed with diabetes and I am beside myself.
From one cat lover to another, my deepest condolences on your loss.
Sup, Angel Kismet. We were wondering how your person was doing. We still think of you every Whisker Hump Wednesday. We hope all is well.
Your furend, TK
I am so sorry to hear about Kismet! I remember when I brought the orange ball of fluff (aka Sophie) to live with you guys. This is such sad news. I hope the pain doesn't last and know his memory will.
Hi. Just checking in. We hope Sophie and Kismet's Purson are still hanging in down there in North Carolina.
Still thinking of Kismet, hoping you and Sophie are doing alright.
Hi Kismet's person,
I happened on your blog from The PsychoKitty Speaks Out. I've spent the last couple days reading the entire blog. I am a kitty lover, currently have a 19 year old tuxedo boy named Scrabble (he was born to a feral mom in my back yard).
I just wanted to tell you that you warmed my heart hearing about your awesome Kismet! What a great kitty, you gave him an incredible life. Thanks for sharing him with the Innernets.
Scrabble's person :)
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