I am also getting lots better at sharing my Person. It helps that Sophie is also real good at sharing. Like at night time, when it is time for all of us to go to bed, Sophie stays down by my Person's feets until I am done humping and am all settled in, and ONLY THEN does she come up and find a spot to get comfy. That is real important and good of her. Sometimes she eats my foods, but then I just go to her dish and eat HER foods, so that works out okay. I am also trying to` 23 (that was Sophie trying to help me blog) teach her that although foods are very delicious and we love them, we are DISCRIMINAYTING in the foods that we eat. Now I, personally, will TRY most all foods if they are offered to me, but that does not mean that I walk all over persons and eat their foods without permission, and to be honest most of my Person's food is not very good. Sophie, on the other paw, will climb all over persons who are eating ANYTHING and she will eat it all. Including something called rice kayks, which I will not even touch with one toe, because they are so gross. So as you can see, I am trying to be a real good big bruther.
Here is one more pic of Sophie:

Kismet: It looks like you are being a terrific big brother 'splaining everything to Sophie. She's gonna have to learn about bein' picky on her own ... Have you lended her any of your manly outfits? I saw over at Daisy the Curly Cat's blog that Daisy's been admiring you in your pink satin robe ... Meow.
DaisyMae Maus
Peee Sssss: Sophie is mighty pretty and looks very much like Feline American Pumpkin.
Wow, we are so happy that you and Sophie are getting along so well. We just hope LT will get along as well with his new brother Merlin.
Aw, you're such a good big brother. Once you get sharing down everything's much easier.
And Sophie's such a pretty little girl, oh yes! I wouldn't try to discourage her from rice cakes, though--if they're bad for her, your Person will keep her from them, and the more she eats, the more good stuff you get, eh?
Oh Kismet, what a good big brudder you is! I only has a sister. I am still learnin' how to share.
ps: I saved up another penny towards buying my own pink satin robe!
Hi Kismet!
I'm glad your sister turned out to be cool. Hopefully my brother will be too. I have a good feelin' about it.
We can't keep in the bathroom, though, because that's where I eat. And I have to eat! I'm not gonna stop EATING for him! So. I think he's gonna stay in the room with my Mom and Dad's desk and books and stuff. Seems like a good place. I don't go in there much.
Oh Kismet I am so happy to hear that things are going well with Sophie. She sure is a pretty kitty, and it sounds like she acts a lot like Harlie... always being crazy and getting into people's faces. You look so cute sitting in the window together. I'm glad you were able to work out your initial issues and see how great it is to have a little sister.
Also I didn't know you had such a magnificently dark back! I guess usually we see it with shirts or something on... but we like your coloring over here!
we're so thrilled things is goin' so well with the two of you! that little girl shure is a cutie, an yur a grate big brother! furry nice picshures - keep 'em coming.
Really cute pictures, and aren't you the greatest big brother.
You is being a really good big brofurr- unlike MY OWN big brofurr who tried to chop off my head wif his back claws. - Miles
I'm happy to hear things are working out well with Sophie. It takes time for every cat to be OK but when you get to that place of understanding all is great in the world.
You know, when Misty was first here she'd eat everything in sight. But I taught her it's not polite to try and climb into a humans mouth 'cause they usually don't like it. She learned, and now is choosy about what she eats. Sophie will learn too, with such a great big brother teaching her.
Hi kismet,
My girl kitty only wants her brother's food. But she HATES any wet food or any human food other than peas or tomatoes. Could you come over and train her? Her brother has done all he can (plus she's a bit bossy).
Chaiyah, Mookie, and their Person
You're all-around terrific, Kismet. A sex symbol and a wonderful big brother wrapped in one.
You both look very happy together - you're a wonderful brother!
Wow, Kizzy, yer so lukky to have a baby sister!!! And yer so nice to her!!! Way to go!!!!
Hi, Kismet:
You two look so cute in the window - and what beautiful, shiny fur you both have! I tried to leave a msg. on your "boodwah" thread to say how great you looked, but blogger ate it. :-( Keep being a great big brother to little sis!
Kismet yoo are being a furry good big brofurr an doing a reely good job of teeching yer sisfurr wots wot.
We luv luv luv sophie already! It's grate to see yoo so happy and just a quick fyi....don't let sophie know that ricekayks are not yummy cause she will get full on that then yoo can get full on the "reel" yummy fud.
Loved the boodwah photos! Yes, I think you pulled it off quite nicely! My Emma couldn't stop staring at the computer! ;) And your new little sister is so purrdy and it's great to see the two of you bonding! It's fun having a sister, isn't it!
Oh, Sophie is a purrrtty little thing, isn't she? And you are a VERY good brother to her, explaining how life works around your house! I am so glad you two get along, and the picture of the two of you looking out the kitty tv is furry cute.
You's a grate big brudder, Kismet. We's furry purroud of you!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Kismet: you make me very happy to see you getting along so well with your little sister.
I wish you'd give Spooker some tips on getting to know siblings...
So happy to see pictures of you together!
That is so good of you to teach your sister new things!
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