Feetsball part 2
My Person went to Dal-less a few weeks ago. We all know how I feel about my Person leaving, but she was not gone for too long and she was going to visit one of my most favorite persons, Liz, so I was MOSTLY okay with it. I am not sure what a Dal is, or why my Person needed to go to a place where there are no Dals (maybe it is another word for the eff trayn), but since Liz lives there, it is probably nice. Anyway, when my Person came back, she brought me a present from Liz!
It is a feetsball jersey! It is not Michigan, which is my Person's team, but it is a team that is near Dal-less. So now I can PLAY feetsball instead of just WATCHING it! I don't have the capri pants that the boy persons wear when they play feetsball, or the hat, but I think I would be pretty good at it anyway. I have very big paws and I think I would be able to catch a feetsball in between them.Here is the back of my jersey:
I am not sure what a longhorn is. I think maybe it is another word for tail, because my tail is kind of shaped like a horn, and it is very long. Liz obveeisslee thinks that I would be good at feetsball too, because she picked #1 for me! I am hoping to get a team together soon. Mona is going to be my tackle dummy, because she is skwishy and likes to tackle. I will report from training camp soon.
Kismet, you look very hndsome in your longhorns jersey. BTW, I think longhorns are related to visus deer.
Can I be yer water boy? Or maybe a cheerleeder? Maybe we cood ship owr psyko stray cat Trip' off to trayning camp with yoo, becuz he is bilt like a big man cat linebakker, and he LOVES to takkle!
Nice looking jersey, Kismet! You're amassing quite a wardrobe!
I have done cheering for tub hockey, so if you need a cheerleader, I am your girl. My sisters all say they would like to cheer too.
Wow, Owr lady says yoo need to be careful what jerrsie yoo ware on the weekends. It's vary importunt not to ware the rong one. -Cheeto
Can I joyn Skeezix as a cheerleadur? I'm bigur than Skeezers so maybe I can throw him up in the air and try to catch him?
Oh wayt....yood have a whole team of cheerleadurs...Skeezix, Patches, Mittens and me!!! Awesome! -Rosie
I'll cheer for you, Kismet!
I'm up for the game. I'm just medium sized, but I'm good at tackling Bathsheba. I'm also good at blocking; Dad says that I get in his way.
I fergot to menshun that I alreddy have a cheerleeder owtfit with POM POMS.... sumbuddy chek and see if Tiggy wunts to be a cheerleeder, too, becuz evrybuddy knows SHE's got big pom poms.
Guys, I am REAL excited! We are going to have a great team. I am espeshully excited to see all of the lady cats in their cheerleading uniforms. And Skeez, too!
I think you'd be great at feetsball, with ur big man feets. Plus u r a very big man cat, an the mens you play feetsball on tv are ALSO very big.
Yes! I wanna be a cheerkitty too!
my, oh, my! the longhorns will be missing a bet if they don't let you play--think of all the sneak plays you could run!! ;-) could give a whole new meaning to sacking the quarterback . . .
Furry cool jersey. My Mom has been lookin' for somethin like that for me to wear for her team, but they are so bad that nobody makes shirts of them.
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